Thursday, November 01, 2007


Hmm, to write a novel in a month, or not?

I had intended to give it a crack, you know, in my spare time, because of the fact that I turn 40 this month. Seems like a good enough reason to try to kick out a novel. Only problem, I can't think of a plot, other than to thinly fictionalize my own life.

I'd better not waste my time if I'm going to do this, huh?


Cindy said...


Really! That is what this isa bout... not perfection, but getting it out on paper/screen.

Just get it out!

Do it! Just do it!

No one has to read it and you may be surprised at what comes out.

for eg.. I would get stuck.. so just start a new chapter. No bridge, no sense, but I kept going. It felt so good and I did it.

You can too!
(check out his book, No Plot No Problem.. he will tell you this much better than I did...)

Marie said...

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for your encouragement. Actually, as I was getting dd ready for bed, a story line came to me (I won't call it a plot), and even a first sentence. I figured I had to dive in.

But in terms of wasting time, I know it isn't a waste of time to do something creative, but I will have no time to waste if I want to do this. Does that make sense? LIke, in other words, I'd better snap to it, as day one is almost over?!

MS Word tells me I have 237 words. How long is this thing supposed to be?!?!?

Cindy said...

HI Marie--

237 is a great start!
Your goal is 50 thousand words. Yes, you can do it...! I highly recommend going to the nanowrimo site and getting ideas. One thing that got me very prolific was music.

As i was writing about a character named Jamie who just happened to be going to graduate school where I did in west texas, the music I loved from those days got my juices flowing! There are many other ideas/tricks you can do.

Now, I admit I did not have young children when I did this, so could closet myself away, but I didn't have tons of time, either, so really pounded it.

The book No Plot No Problem has ideas, too... Maybe break into a free write when you are stuck.. only thing that matters is word count! I would skip all over with the plot, start writing about un-introduced characters, etc and tell myself that it was my editor's worry to have it all make sense..

and keep going!

I also made myself a quota (kind of like 50000 divided by 30 days) kind of thing.

I also had a couple of buddies on the journey with me.

All just some ideas.... but, yes, it is a committmement.. maybe K could give you some creatives ideas?? lol

Good luck!