Friday, March 21, 2008

Walking the Way of the Cross

I have returned from walking the way of the cross. This is what is in my heart, given the circumstances of this day:

God loves me, tremendously.
My sin, my brokenness, my separateness from Him, moved Him with such love to come to die for me, to regain me.
He loves me with purposes I can't even begin to fathom.
But it is me He loves.

It is the sacrifice on the cross which brings life.
Everything united to it is vivified.

I am united to Christ on the cross. By virtue of my sin, first and foremost, since He had none but mine to carry.
He gives me the tremendous gift of meaning.
Without Him, there is no meaning.
With Him, every wondering is fulfilled.

His Body, the Church: Holy Mother Church.
She knows what it is to suffer.
She loves me.
I love in her.

All of us are healed in Him, together in His Body.


Suzanne said...

You put it into words so beautifully!

molly said...

Keeping you in my prayers Marie!