Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why Does Vacation Bible School Always Happen in the Mornings?

We are in the midst of Vacation Bible School. For the second year I am in charge of the music portion. For the most part, I do actually enjoy it, even though the general atmosphere is more chaotic than fits my tastes. But there are always a few kids in every group who love to sing and who just seem to live for the music time. To be honest, the whole time does not feel the least bit prayerful to me, but it is fun to share the gift of music.

We are using the "Parachuting With the Angels" VBS package, and I have the say the music is pretty bad, for the most part. I mercilessly axed several of the songs, like "I've Got a Crush on Jesus" which states "Jesus came from outer space to fill us with his grace." The songs that I've kept are decent, but not very exciting. The biggest hit among my substitutes seems to be Salelaka Mokonzi, which you can listen to on Suzanne's blog if you scroll way to the bottom and click the video, or if you fool around with her Deezer plug-in until the recorded version comes up. I modified the song a bit, and the kids are doing wonderfully. And for some reason I'm finding it scads easier to teach it to these 6-11 year olds than the group of teens to whom I tried to teach it last fall.

I get so worn out with a morning-intense schedule, though, and so do my children. I am very grateful that we don't do the hauling off to school routine regularly. Tranquility is such a high value to me, and morning scuttling and hungry tummies used to a leisurely breakfast, et al costs us so much in the tranquility department for the rest of the day. I'm sure this is why my dear hubby, who cannot but wake early, has a hard time with weekends at home. It is seriously strange to have one's normal rhythm completely thrown.


Angela said...

Marie! If it makes you feel any better... Helena's favorite part of VBS is the music. She offered that information without my even asking. Thanks so much for sharing your gifts!

Marie said...

That puts a Capital D smile on my face!
