Sunday, May 10, 2009

To Forgive

Some time ago I saw this article linked on a friend's Facebook page. Mehmet Ali Agca is the man who tried to assissinate Pope John Paul II in 1981, and he now states that he has embraced Catholicism.

This immediately brought to mind a song written about the amazing and well-known event of Pope John Paul visiting Agca in prison and extending forgiveness to him. I have just found that song on the internet as well, here. Give it a listen! What strikes me the most about the song, and my fondness for it at that time, was that neither the song writer nor myself had much use for Pope John Paul II back in the mid-1980s. Obviously, neither did Agca. But the act of forgiving and embracing someone who tried to murder you is just an overwhelming testimony to Christ. How else but by Christ's grace is such a thing possible?

Here are the song lyrics, and some commentary by the artist.


Suzanne said...

Followed the link to the song, but it's a radio station that is inspired by the song but will play every song BUT the song you want me to hear!

Thanks, Marie. This is sweet...

Marie said...

The song is on the top right corner of the page. You need to click on the large triangle in the circle, and it will play.

Laura A said...

Wow! That's an "rest of the story" I've never heard before!