Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Meaning Series: Deliberate

This is the last of the songs from Unleashed I have to write about. It was also the last one to be recorded, because I had intended to use a different song called Song of the Bride, but I couldn't get that one to come together the way I wanted it to. I wrote this one October 26, 2011 at the direction of my friend Br. Neven Pesa, who had challenged me to write a song every week last fall. My particular assignment when I wrote this song was to get out my father's keyboard (which has been mine since he passed 10 years ago) and write a song entirely on keyboard. Despite the fact that I don't play the keyboard. It seemed an impossible task even simply on the emotional level of taking something of my father's and really making it mine in the intimate way one must to write music. Then of course there was the minor detail of having not seriously played piano, even to play around with it, for three decades. Then there was the time frame of one week. Then there was the need for inspiration for lyrics.

But, he had challenged me, and nothing motivates me like trying to live up to an agreement made to a friend. The result was a song that I really like (and Neven really liked to, and was impressed with) that just dug like a shovel right into my guts at the time. It is not complicated musically, as one might expect, and the song depends on the vocals for color and interest.

Here are the lyrics:

Can you tell me what you do to crack an egg
Do you tap-tap-tap that thing just a little bit
Oh no, no, no
But you can’t lose control
You can’t smash it with your fist

You gotta make the break deliberate
Uh huh huh
Make the break deliberate
Uh huh huh
Make the break deliberate
Make the break deliberate

Now you see I’ve got a heart that’s like an egg
What it holds down deep inside I gotta give if I will live
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Why do I resist the hand that comes to bring me life

I gotta make the break deliberate (etc)

I trust you
I trust You
I trust You

So in my life I choose to lay it all on the line
I will die with you so that my heart can truly live
Uh yeah yeah yeah
Taken blessed broken given now to feed a hungry world
This song speaks to me where I am right now. To serve Christ, we must make conscious choices for Him. This song goes through my mind, for example, when I wake in the morning and have to climb out of my warm bed in order to pray instead of sleep some more. Simple example, but most of our decisions to die to ourselves are of this order.

My friend Joe Zamberlan stepped in to play the piano for me as my own keyboard skills might be enough to create the music, but not to play it without lots of stops and starts. The whole song was rehearsed and recorded all on January 4. Finally, after six months of recording, I have gotten to the point where I can sing a song the way I mean for it to sound in just one or two takes. I think in reality I'm just about ready now to start recording!
Marie Hosdil: Unleashed

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