Friday, October 03, 2008

Fall is Falling

It's fall here.

I share that just in case you are one of my dear readers who live Down Under or somewhere toasty like Texas or Arizona. Here in Ohio, it is fall.

Maybe it's because I just came back from Ontario where it is really fall, I mean red leaves and the whole bit. Maybe it is because I put our winter blanket on the bed tonight. Maybe it's because I've added socks back into my wardrobe.

For some reason, I notice it is fall.

I love summer, and I sternly reminded people who asked me around the 20th of August how my summer was that it would stay summer until the fall equinox. I do not hand back my summers willingly. My pores feel freer to be themselves when nighttime temps don't dip below 70. And here's a nerdy-housewife tidbit about me: I love hanging laundry outside to dry. I really love it when it dries in under three hours. The last batch I hung out was still wet after hanging out all day and I had to pop it in the drier, admitting defeat.

Oh, they say temps will poke up above the 60s in the next week, and I may even venture away from my home without a coat. But it is time to cook hot food for dinner and make soups and stews, and soon I'll even have to get my wool scarf out to wrap up my head when I go out. I'm a Wisconsin native after all; I can handle the cold.

My pores would just like to be happy a little while longer, instead of trying not to think about how long it will be before they see it hit 80 again.


clairity said...

I also really like hanging laundry out to dry. This last weekend I finally had to turn the furnace on. But fall is my favorite season!

Angela said...

I love this post! Yes, yes, and more yes! I have this twinge when the yard gets that first dusting of leaves, as I, too, do not hand over summer easily (being a southern girl!). Socks are back on and so is the blanket. My laundry drying racks are going to be moved into the basement tomorrow, where I will mooch heat from the radiator pipes to dry the clothes until spring.