Wednesday, September 10, 2008

May I Have This Dance?

May God grant that I have thoughts worthy of what I have received, for He is the guide even of wisdom and the corrector of the wise. (Wis. 7:15)

Let him who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall. (1 Cor. 10:12)

I have been reminded that if we think we are "old hat" at the Christian life, we are probably living something we only think is the Christian life! Well, maybe that is too dramatic a statement.... but let's just say that even though Christ imbues our life with a holy stability, He is always desiring to lead us in the dance of faith and life and love. If I were a better dancer I could feel this analogy more strongly. I did once dance with a very good dancer who informed me that I was committing the cardinal sin of trying to lead when it was his to lead. No wonder it didn't feel right.

So, there was a point in here somewhere. Oh yeah. Christ leads, and we follow. Therefore, we really don't know what a day brings forth. I can get all excited about my headstrong plans, or I can mope about life "as it always is" (and hey! I am multi-talented and can do both at the same time!) or I can go to my prayer time and know that Jesus is saying, "May I have this dance?"

That was a great image given to me in confession recently. I came to prayer today and said something at first that reminded me of that dance with Charlie, when he told me not to try to lead against his lead. Good old Charlie. So, I corrected myself and asked the Holy Spirit to bring me where my Savior awaited me. Better. It has just been occurring to me how I've felt pretty forsaken in this whole dance-floor business. It is often said that if we feel God is far away, He is not the one who has moved. Well, maybe He does actually move. Yes, I think He moves a lot. But the key is, if we live in Him, we need to go where He goes. Movement. A healthy thing.

So I said to the Lord, I said, Lord, teach me how to pray?! I don't seem to remember. What am I supposed to do here, now, today? I need something more than a pile of words. And do you know what? He answered. Through the course of the day, in things I did that were spur-of-the-moment-ish that I realized were like trying on a perfectly fitting pair of shoes I've needed. In a realization gleaned through a magazine article in the doctor's office. All fitting together so nicely. Yes, God really is there, really is hearing, really does answer our needs. And He gives us work to do, movements to make.

It is all part of life with Him.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I love this metaphor -- I think it's part of why we refer to the Church as "she" -- yes, the Church is a mother, but she is also Christ's dancing partner, who follows his lead.

Yeah, I know about that "old hat" thing, too... Seems to be one of the more poisonous traps we can fall into.