Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blood Type Surprise

We've been following the Eat Right For Your Type eating approach for about a year now, give or take. We thought it was so handy that my husband and I and our daughter were all type O. How convenient. The only wildcard was our son, whom we adopted. Still don't know his type.

I bought two blood type cards recently, and today was the day when we were going to test my son. It involves getting stuck by a little lancet, of course, so at the last moment he chickened out, after I had the card all prepared. So, I tested my daughter instead, since we didn't know her rhesus factor (positive or negative).

Imagine my surprise when her result turned up A+!

I was distracted by this development all day long, told my husband about it, and had him sit down for the test right after dinner. He who long believed himself to be O- tested as A-.

Now, you know that something is really a part of your life when a change in it throws you for a complete loop. It was like discovering you aren't really who you thought you were. Just very, very weird.

For dh, it means no beef or lamb. No tomatoes, bananas or green peppers (things he'd been eating daily). It means coffee gets a welcome back (instead of a guilty drink now and then). Sour cream, non-fat, goes back in the fridge, corn and corn chips (do you have any idea how many things corn shows up in?), and lots of grains.

For me, it means learning a whole second set of food requirements, and doing a bit of creative meal preparation.

Now I can just guess that ds will test as B. Just to throw me for another loop.

The Eat Right plan really has produced great results for me. I've never been exactly overweight, but I have lost pounds that just weren't going anywhere. The best result of course was that we were able to conceive my daughter -- cutting out wheat and dairy seemed to have a drastic effect on my endometriosis.

So, I do recommend the plan. And soon, I'll know a whole lot more about how another 40% of the world's population best eats!

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