Saturday, August 02, 2008


When I lived in Japan, I discovered that laughing at language errors was incredibly effective stress relief. I know that my own courage to knowingly make mistakes with foreign language is minuscule, so reading howlers helped me laugh until my sides hurt, and not fear mistakes quite so much. (I figured I might just be supplying excellent entertainment to others who were too polite to laugh in my face.)

Here are some great Chinglish examples.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This reminds me of a book by David Lodge, called "Small World," in which one of the characters:

is a Japanese translator of modern English fiction. He jokes about the titles the Japanese used to attach to Shakespeare plays (The Strange Affair of the Flesh and the Bosom was The Merchant of Venice).

If you get a hold of this novel (from the library?), you would laugh your head off at the other Shakespeare titles.