Friday, August 01, 2008

Spam (Eggs, Bacon and Spam)?

Blogger has shut down my blog for right now (as of Thursday evening) because their, um, non-human system has identified Naru Hodo as spam. You know, one of those non-humanly generated list of fancy words, with ads on it. Isn't that ironic?

Well, if you are reading this, the human has come by, noticed that I'm also a human, and all is well again.

This could really be a blow to my writer's ego!


Marie said...

So, it was a total of about seven hours. Not bad, considering I had read reports of blogs being down for days numbering in the double digits.

Suzanne said...

Yipes, Marie! That really stinks! I'm glad you're back!!!

Unknown said...

Spam? Maybe Vienna sausages or Armour "Treet", but certainly not Spam.